Thursday, March 11, 2010

Zennie Abraham in the Seattle P.I.

On March 18th The Seattle P.I., the website that was once connected to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, turns one year old.

This month of March, and to the total surprise of this blogger, his work turned up on the "City Brights section" of Seattle P.I.

It's great to at the Seattle P.I. (as it gives me a reason to focus on a city I love, Seattle) and at , and at, and at, and the 100 blog network we have there, and on ,, and five other video sites, and about 30 social networks and bookmarking sites and on CoLoursTV.

The one problem is the Seattle P.I. appears to be using the Zennie62 RSS feed but not formatting the result. Thus, the blog posts come out without paragraph breaks, leaving one long "go" of words all mushed together. The damage is done when it reads "posted by Zennie Abraham" - it wasn't posted by Zennie Abraham.

He's me, as you know.

Thanks, Seattle P.I.; please fix my blog posts!

Stay tuned.

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