Friday, April 30, 2010

Carly Fiorina just lost the Latino vote in the California Senate race

Continuing the run of stupid statements made by GOP representatives, we have Carly Fiorina. (As a note before this blogger continues, it's important to get out of the way that Carly Fiorina's successful battle against Breast Cancer is an inspiration to others suffering from this awful problem. I wish Fiorina continued success in that area, but not in politics.)

In a grilling of an interview by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's The Situation Room, Carly Florina, running against U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer in an election battle for Boxer's California seat in The Senate, said that she understood and supports Arizona's controversial illegal immigration law.

NNow the catch is Carly didn't say "I support and understand" in one sentence, she danced around the admission but then after Blitzer pressed her finally said "I understand why Arizona" passed the law and said it was because of "fear and frustration." Carly agreed with Wolf's question that she supports the law, but then really quickly said the problem was the Federal Government's patrol of the boarder or lack of same.

It seemed that Carly knew she was wading into an area that would get her into trouble so she was talking carefully, but not carefully enough.

Carly should have said "I don't back Arizona."

The "fear" comment was telling. Fear of who, Carly? What kind of fear? Fear of Latinos?

Latino's make up 30 percent of Arizona's population. For Carly Fiorina to even mention that she "understands" what Arizona did and then says they're afraid calls into question if she's afraid of Latinos.

I watched Carly squirm and wondered why she felt it was so important to carry a conservative - er, Coach Potato Conservative - agenda? Somewhere along the way Florina forgot she's a Californian. Here, we expect conservatives to be inclusive and not fearful of others because of the color of their skin.

Hey, let's be honest here. The illegal immigration debate is about Latino's and not hot Irish waitresses or Swedish Au-Pair girls with expired VISAs. My guess is Carly doesn't fear them.

Stay tuned.

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