Saturday, October 22, 2011

Neighborhood Pride Commission October 29th

We all live here… we all need to pitch in and help…. The neighborhood pride commission has selected some abandoned lots, city right of way, ditches, weeds, brush and fallen trees that need to be cleaned up. As a community we need your help…. Volunteers are needed for this week-ends ,cleanup projects. Call Bob Conley if you, your church, your organization or club wants to volunteer to help clean up debris around the Butler area. Volunteers will meet at 9 am Saturday October 29th for the morning cleanup crew…. The afternoon crew will met at noon. If you will call Bob to volunteer, the more people he knows will participate the more projects he can schedule.. call 660-679-3514 meet at the parking lot on the North side of the old Butler High school, which is East of the police station. Rain date is November 5th. Take pride in your community and volunteer for the Neighborhood Pride Commission clean up date October 29th. They need volunteers with gas weed eaters, chain saws, rakes, hedge trimmers, loppers, pickups, work gloves and a strong back with community pride. Volunteer contact number is Bob Conley 660-679-3514. That number can be found on the website.

-courtesy FM 92.1 the Bullet

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