Thursday, September 15, 2011

Butler R-V School Board meeting summary

The board swore in member Brad Davis to the board of directors.

Old Business: The Board heard a report from Superintendent Alan Stauffacher on progress on the track: About a week’s work of dirt work is needed before the district can seed the outside of the track. Teal’s Lawn and garden mowed the field and are placing markers down for putting in irrigation. The rubberized surface should be applied at the end of the month. The board voted to keep the overhead electrical lines they are now to save on electrical hook-up.

New Business:
b. The board heard a report from Ms. Jessica McIntyre assistant elementary principal on district safety. The board heard reports from Joann Bell and Lori West on the school Wellness Plan.
c. The board voted to start the refinancing of the school’s bond to get costs locked in by October 13thand approved a modified plan that would give the district the greatest flexibility in taking care of that debt. The total savings to the tax payers should be approximately $1,021,000.
d. The board approved the Youth Football to use the school fields.
e. MSBA Leadership. Board Member Larry Anderson presented the criteria for the MSBA Leadership recognition for school boards.
f. The board heard a report from the sub-committee for completion of the sports complex.
g. The board approved the Month of October to be Special Education Awareness Month.
h. The board agreed to feed the staff during parent teacher conferences if there was not a conflict with PTSO. It was also brought to the board’s attention that on November 15th Butler would be the host to the MSBA regional meetings.
i. Bear Backer’s report: Brad Davis reported that the Bear Backers would hold a Donkey Basketball Game on November 12th.
j. Educational Foundation report: No new business was reported from the educational foundation.

Closed Session:
The board accepted the resignation of Heather Hagberg.
The board hired Kathy Clark, Peter Hoegfeldt and Amber Hilbus for Para-professional positions. The board also hired Mary Jackson as elementary custodian.
The board denied a Waiver Request to the district.

-courtesy FM 92.1 the Bullet

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