Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rich Hill Homecoming this Friday

Rich Hill will be celebrating their Homecoming this week as they prepare to meet the Adrian Blackhawks Friday night at 7 p.m. Lots of excitement in school each day as spirit week continues- today is movie star day, tomorrow is 80's day and Friday will be spirit day as everyone will be wearing red and blue.

The homecoming parade will line up at 1:30 on Friday and leave the school at 2 p.m. Coronation of the 2011 Queen and Princess will take place during half time of the game Friday night. The candidates are:

Freshmen - Michaela Norbury and Jacob Thompson
Sophomores - Amber Beckett and Caleb Skocy
Juniors - Traci Stevener and Drystian Miller
Seniors - Samantha Breckenridge and Spencer Gould

Princess candidates:
7th grade - Kierston Baxze and Andrew Jewell
8th grade - Breanna Buesing and Jacob Mumma

-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet

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