Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bates County Elks working to restore Veteran's Tribute- names needed

The Bates County Elks Lodge is actively working to restore the Veteran’s Tribute on the Courthouse Lawn, making a lasting, permanent, beautiful Tribute to those Bates County Citizens who have served in our Country in the military. All branches are welcome. Names will be displayed on Anodized Aluminum Plates. We have 8 plates full, and need 46 more names to finish the 9th. Cost is $10.00 per name. Names will be added in the order received. This will be an active Tribute; each plate contains 104 names, and more plates will be added as enough names are received. The Elks welcome any Veteran’s from WW1 to present who were born in Bates County or served while having legal residence in Bates County. Deadline is October 10th. The Elks will be on hand at Huckster’s Day on October 1, accepting submissions of your veteran’s name and money there, or you may mail a check to the Bates County Elks Lodge at PO Box 375, Butler, Missouri 64730. Contact Terry Agnew at 660-424-0919 or Clint Schuman at 660-200-5484. 

Check’s are payable to Bates County Elks Lodge with Veteran’s Tribute in the memo line. Please provide the veteran’s name in legible handwriting. Please consider joining the Bates County Elks in honoring our Bates County Veterans.

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