Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Altona 4-H news

The members of Altona 4-H gathered at the Altona Community Hall on Wednesday, November 9th to hold our annual Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you to Vanessa Tallman and Rhonda Walley for organizing it. After a great supper, president, Catie Welliver called the club to order leading the pledges to the American and 4-H flags. Secretary, Jennifer Willerton called the roll with 23 members present. Also in attendance were 25 adults and younger siblings. Jennifer also read the minutes from the October meeting. Bailey Collier made the motion to accept the minutes, and Conrad Walley made the 2nd. Motion passed. Cameron Tallman gave the treasurer’s report. 

 Old Business: Katie Frankenfield made a motion to not have term limits on offices held within the club. Bailey Collier seconded the motion and it passed. Vanessa Tallman asked if the kids were still wanting to participate in the Adrian Christmas parade; it will be held on Saturday, November 26th at 4:30. Conrad Walley motioned that we participate and have a float in the parade, Case Doody made the 2nd; motion passed. Steven Doody volunteered to pull the float and would cut a Christmas tree for it. Brian Welliver volunteered straw to sit on. Kirsten Collier still has our club signs. We will meet at the commuter parking lot at 3:15 to set the float up and be ready to line up at 4:00. Each family will need to bring 2 bags of candy to throw. 

 New business: Vice-president, Trenton Tallman handed out the year-end completion pins awarded at the 4-H Recognition Celebration. Vanessa Tallman presented bills to the club for items purchased for the Thanksgiving dinner. Bailey Collier motioned to pay Vanessa and Case Doody made the 2nd; motion passed. Melissa Lowe attended the last fair board meeting and spoke about the needs that the Bates County Fair Board has and things our club can do to help with the upkeep of the barns and buildings. Also, the fair board is asking for ideas of activities that people would like to see at the fair. Todd brought up that December is the month that our club makes Christmas goody trays for our neighbors. Alicia Merrifield volunteered to pick up the containers that we put the goodies in. Each family will need to bring two dozen cookies, a sack of candy and six pieces of fruit to our December 14th meeting. Meeting adjourned.

-our thanks to Case Doody, Reporter

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