Wednesday, November 23, 2011

From the desk of Senator David Pearce

Missouri Veterans Homes
The recent Veterans Day ceremonies gave me an opportunity to reflect on the importance of commemorating the events and the people who have protected us. Celebrating those brave men and women who have answered our nation’s call to protect our freedoms is an act I don’t carry out lightly. As a lawmaker and a member of the Missouri Veterans Commission, issues dealing with Missouri’s military and veterans continue to be among my highest priorities.
Veterans' issues have been a focus of mine since I began my career in the Capitol. In 2009, I ushered House Bill 82 through the Senate, a bill that created a 100 percent tax exemption for any military retirement income. In 2010, the Missouri Legislature passed House Bill 1893, increasing funding for the Veterans Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund (VCCITF) by directing a percentage of monies brought in by gaming to the VCCITF. These funds are set aside to use for capital costs, veterans homes and cemeteries, including maintenance and upkeep, as well as veterans’ service officers programs. Most recently, during the 2011 regular legislative session, I handled House Bill 136, which assists military families by providing unemployment benefits to military spouses when they are required to move with their member of the military in order to support their families.

I have the privilege of serving on the Missouri Veterans Commission. Under my watch, we will continue to see the Missouri Veterans Home program, among other veterans’ programs, remain fully staffed and funded to meet veterans’ needs. After all, one of the homes in this program is certainly near to my heart in the 31st Senatorial District, and the families and employees that this program affects are important to me. The numerous volunteers and employees who maintain the Warrensburg Veterans Home have my highest respect for their wonderful work.

In the last three challenging budget years, the legislature has maintained the budget for our Missouri veterans homes with absolutely no major reductions to the programs’ funding. We have funded these programs to the same amount as both the governor and the department’s recommendations. We have, however, had to find ways to achieve this goal. Like many of Missouri’s citizens have had to make do when one line item outweighs another during this difficult economy, my colleagues and I have had to shift monies from other funds or find alternative funds in order to maintain full funding for whatever budget level is called for. It is true that funding has not always come completely out of the state's General Revenue funds, but that fact doesn't make the program any less fully funded.

At this point, the budget for Fiscal Year 2013 has not even been brought to the table by the governor, and that action is the first step to creating a fully funded, balanced budget. There is no indication at this time, despite tough decisions that might need to be made, that any veterans' programs, including the Missouri Veterans Homes system, would suffer budget restrictions or losses. There is time to work on any budgetary issues or concerns involving veterans' issues, including the Missouri Veterans Home system. There are currently several options under examination as we go forward in our efforts to provide a dedicated source of funding for our veterans, which may or may not include a sales tax increase, or other fee enhancements.

As Missourians, it is our duty to offer our support to those who have offered us their protection. I will continue to do so from my perspective as a lawmaker, and I ask Missouri's citizens to do the same.

As always, please feel free to contact me or my staff with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 866-277-0882 (toll-free) or 573-751-2272, or by fax at 573-526-7381.

Senator David Pearce serves Bates, Cass, Johnson and Vernon counties in the 31st State Senatorial District.

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