Monday, November 14, 2011

Coats for Kids drive now underway

It will be freezing cold before you know it and every child should have a warm coat!

The annual Coats for Kids program is sponsored this year by DSWA C.P.A Firm, Larry and Carol Ann Winburn,  John Daniel, Renda Armstrong and B.C. Wolfe have teamed up with the Winburn's to make the Coats for Kids drive a success again this year.

Donations are being accepted now for the purchase of approximately 200 coats for grade school children in the Bates County area, which encompasses 8 different schools and 4 Head Start programs. The proceeds are kept local as all coats are purchased from local merchants.

Donations may be sent to the DSWA office at PO box 190 or sent directly to Larry and Carol Ann Winburn at 109 Ranch Drive in Butler.

This year's goal is at least $5,000 to purchase enough coats for the children. The deadline for donations and delivery dates will be announced later.

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