Friday, November 11, 2011

Chicken pox exposure to Butler R-V students possible

A letter has been sent home with the Elementary Students enrolled at the Butler R-V School district to inform parents of possible exposure to chicken pox. The health department recommends that you watch your child for signs and symptoms of the disease.

Chicken Pox is a common illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all over the body. It can spread easily by an infected person whom sneezes, coughs or shares food or drinks.

Symptoms are fever, headache and sore throat. Your child may feel sick, tired, and not very hungry. The rash usually appears about 1-2 days after the first symptoms start.

Aspirin or Ibuprofen should never be given with chicken pox, due to the risk of Rye’s syndrome. Parents should check with their child’s physician before giving any medicine.

If you find your child has chicken pox, contact the Butler Elementary School Nurse at 660-679-6591 extension 170.

Your child should remain out of school until all the chicken pox lesions have crusted over, which takes approximately 5 days.

The best way to prevent your child from getting chicken pox is through vaccination. These are available at your local health department.

A chicken pox vaccine is now available for children 12 month and older, and for teens and adults who have not had the illness.

-courtesy FM 92.1 the Bullet

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